Apps for English Language Exam Preparation

Hi :)

Classes started last week and a number of students have already asked about ways of getting ready for international English Language exams such as Cambridge PET,CPE, or TOEFL, IELTS ...
This post is straightforward and suitable for both teachers and students.

For starters, before deciding to sit for an important exam you should have in mind :
* If your current level of English matches the demands of the exam you intend to sit for
* The goal you aspire to achieve by obtaining that certificate (is it for professional reasons? a way of having your progress over the years measured? foreign school admission? you-name-it)
* Time preparation required, your own availability to commit to studying
* A tutor / teacher to refer to for advice and some extra help* Extra Resources to provide you with enough training practice

The University of Cambridge offers a quick and free online test to check which exam is most appropriate for you (both the QR code below or the link will lead you to the online exam page)


It's certainly an advantage to be enrolled in an English course or to be a current working teacher which means you are in constant contact with the language.
How do you plan to study for the different parts evaluated  (Listening, Reading, Writing, Use of English and Speaking) ?
When it comes to extra resources Apps are a very convenient way to have studying tools at your fingertips.

There's also a free sample of the TOEFL test on the site :


For Android mobile users there's a variety of TOEFL /TOEIC free Apps:


I have downloaded one called TOEFL iBT Preparation. It consists of preparation for typical vocabulary and a variety of topic based multiple choices tests with quick feedback on the score reached.

For Apple mobile users Cambridge offers some specific preparation Apps for PET, FCE & CAE  exams which can be bought on the i tunes app store:


You may want to download a QR code reader app to your smartphone. For both Apple or Android mobiles this site can help:

Like mentioned before, Apps come in handy to help you but there should be a high level of planning ahead, talking to an experienced teacher for advice and especially: commit to studying.
I hope the tips given may give you some guidance on how to get started !
In case you need further information on the exams mentioned, take a look the sites below:

Have a go !



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