Rescuing your purposes and resolutions

This is the first post of 2018.
May we all have a happy and prosperous new year !!!

When blogging we tend to start off by having some resolutions in mind.
Today with me it was not different but for one detail:
Facebook brought up a memory of a blog post from january 2014. My new resolution back then was to start vlogging.

What I had in mind back then was that I would start posting more like in this fashion: a written part + a video

I kept this going for a short while and then went back to my traditional writing.
When I came across this blog memory the first thing that came to my mind was: 
why is it that we start off with many ideas for the new year and we actually get to work on them but this usually lasts for a short while , or at least shorter than we thought ?

How about starting a new year by looking back at highlights of our accomplishments , rescuing ideas that for whatever reason we left behind , looking back at different outcomes to what we planned ?

When I watched that first and very simple video, I somehow took a trip down memory lane.
I realised that I recorded some other videos throughout the following years. Not in this blog as I had planned at first, but to register participation in congresses , in hang outs on air and even to interview teacher colleagues from around the world.

🎥🎞Here are some videos, both in Portuguese and in English, so you can have an idea:

                                            GTA_1 ano Plano de Ação

                                           Participação_Innovators Talk

Encontro com Google Innovators no Google Learning Space do Colégio Mater Dei
Conversamos sobre Aplicabilidade e Tendências da Tecnologia nos Diferentes Cenários Educacionais

Below some of the interviews to talk to teachers from different countries about their action projects using technology to enhance the teaching of English as a Foreign Language. This is a joint work with the committee members of the IATEFL_Learning Technologies Special Interest Group - LTSIG

Interview with Karen McRae     

Interview with Graciela Alchini   

Below, a joint interview with LTSIG committee member Phil Longwell. We interviewed the two LTSIG Scholarship Winners 2018: Elisa Effendy and Julia Koifman
This was particularly challenging because the four of us were in different parts of the world with distinct time zones and internet connection challenges.

📱Another way of communication, which is actually an extension from this blog, is the Instagram account Informed Teachers_blog on Instagram  the agile style in stories and the possibility of sharing to multiple platforms such as Facebook and Twitter is a great help to reach the growing audience of Instagram social media.

So the way I see it now is that, even though my plan took a different turn from what I had originally planned, I can look back and feel proud of how I have been giving my contribution to education. To be very honest with you, it has turned out to be bigger than what I first had in mind back in 2014.
I'd like to encourage you to register and share your teaching practice. Other teachers can learn from you and be inspired by your work. Mute any voice that tells you otherwise. Keep your purpose in mind and act.
I invite you to work on that 💡💡💡💡

Stay tuned in
There'll be some talking in the stories on Instagram and some writing here.
YouTube lives are a possibility too ....
I'll keep you posted 📱



  1. In January 2017, after having an amazing experience with a visually impaired student, I decided that I should do something more about it. I didn't want to be "just teaching", I wanted to understand what I was doing and how I could help people more and more. I carried out another experiment with visually impaired and participated in a very special innovation program and also, I had started a more in-depth investigation on Students' sense of progress. As for 2018 I already started well since I had been invited to talk to some peers about my experiment on inclusion in a very important institutional event, but I definitely want to have a more active participation in EFL discussions, whether on Social Media, Conferecences and Forums.

  2. "Mute any voice that tells you otherwise". I'm gonna keep that in mind. I get frustrated sometimes on how I let others pull me down (most teachers to tell you the truth haha).

    Thanks Raquel for sharing!

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  4. Thanks for your time to prepare passionate post. Great job.


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